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Instagram Services
From $20.00
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Instagram is a powerful marketing tool for businesses and organizations to reach and engage with their target audience. Here are some of the benefits of using Instagram for marketing:

Large and engaged audience: With over 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram provides businesses with a large and engaged audience that they can reach through their marketing efforts.

Visual appeal: Instagram is a visually-driven platform, making it ideal for businesses to showcase their products, services, and brand through visually-appealing content such as photos and videos.

Targeted advertising: Instagram offers various advertising options, such as sponsored posts and Stories, that allow businesses to reach their target audience with highly-targeted and personalized advertising campaigns.

Increased brand awareness: By consistently posting high-quality content and engaging with their followers, businesses can increase brand awareness and reach a wider audience.

Improved customer engagement: Instagram provides businesses with the opportunity to interact with their followers and customers in real-time, improving customer engagement and building strong relationships.

Increased website traffic: Instagram can be used to drive traffic to a business's website, providing them with more opportunities for conversions and sales.

In conclusion, Instagram provides businesses with a unique and effective platform for marketing and reaching their target audience, allowing them to increase brand awareness, improve customer engagement, and drive sales.

Identity not verified

This business has not verified its identity and details to Sellix. We cannot confirm this store is a valid and unique merchant.

shop.trust. sales in the last 14 days

This metric takes into consideration the quantity of sales this business had in the last 14 days. High and Medium sales mean that the business has been proactively selling goods with at least one order daily.

feedback appeal ratio

The feedback appeal ratio takes into consideration the total amount of feedback a merchant has and how many have been appealed (either removed or contested). The appeal ratio has a value between 0.00 and 1, where 0.10 corresponds to 10% of all feedback appealed.

0 feedback score

The feedback score helps customers understand whether or not this business has had positive feedback recently, meaning that every customer purchased a valid good.

PayPal or Credit cards accepted

This merchant accepts payment methods, such as PayPal and Credit/Debit Cards, with consumer protection; meaning that a refund request can be executed when paying through them only if the purchased good is not valid. However, this does not mean that refund requests are available for payment methods like Cash App and Cryptocurrencies as they are not accepted due to their nature.
Mass Story Views
From $197.00
Our 'Mass Story Viewing' service helps capture the attention of users you want to engage; by putting your IG account in their notifications. This we partially achieve by interacting with the Stories content of targeted accounts to generate high traffic. Achieving high traffic means an increase in engagement with your Instagram account. The result of that is a guaranteed daily gain of between 25 and 100 new followers who are interested in what you provide on your page. It's simple, it's strategic, and it's organic. 1 month $197 3 months $600 6 months $900 12 months $1500
Verified Likes and Comments
From $297.00
Get blue-checked verified comments on your posts. 2 L & C: $300 30days one post per day 5 L & C: $500 30days one post per day 10 L & C: $800 30days one post per day 15 L & C : $1300 30days one post per day 5 L & C: $1000 90days one post per day 10 L & C: $1700 90days one post per day 15 L & C : $3200 90days one post Prices per post Verified likes & Comments 1 $20 5 $60 10 $100 15 $140 20 $180 30 $220 50 $300
Verified Engagement Groups
From $49.00
Get access to verified engagement groups, you will be invited to exclusive DM groups. 5 $50 10 $90 15 $130 20 $180 30 $220 50 $290 100 $550
Content Creation
From $20.00
Get the best content creation for you to post on your IG. Starting at $20 Per Post.
Product warranty
No product warranty

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Mass Story Views
From $197.00
Our 'Mass Story Viewing' service helps capture the attention of users you want to engage; by putting your IG account in their notifications. This we partially achieve by interacting with the Stories content of targeted accounts to generate high traffic. Achieving high traffic means an increase in engagement with your Instagram account. The result of that is a guaranteed daily gain of between 25 and 100 new followers who are interested in what you provide on your page. It's simple, it's strategic, and it's organic. 1 month $197 3 months $600 6 months $900 12 months $1500
Verified Likes and Comments
From $297.00
Get blue-checked verified comments on your posts. 2 L & C: $300 30days one post per day 5 L & C: $500 30days one post per day 10 L & C: $800 30days one post per day 15 L & C : $1300 30days one post per day 5 L & C: $1000 90days one post per day 10 L & C: $1700 90days one post per day 15 L & C : $3200 90days one post Prices per post Verified likes & Comments 1 $20 5 $60 10 $100 15 $140 20 $180 30 $220 50 $300
Verified Engagement Groups
From $49.00
Get access to verified engagement groups, you will be invited to exclusive DM groups. 5 $50 10 $90 15 $130 20 $180 30 $220 50 $290 100 $550
Content Creation
From $20.00
Get the best content creation for you to post on your IG. Starting at $20 Per Post.
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